Get a Daily Holiday
Photo by Alisa Anton
I don't need to tell you how overwhelming the journey to parenthood can be for many people who are struggling. And this isn't a moment when I'm going to tell you to 'just' relax, which is frankly, offensive.
But stress and anxiety is a big issue on this journey, and finding ways to manage it well will pay dividends, not only for your own sanity but your relationships too.
If I could, I would recommend you behave as if you were on holiday while you're trying to get pregnant - taking it really easy and doing lots of relaxation, to get that sense of calm and space. But that's not feasible for most of us who are working, juggling responsibilities and maybe already have a toddler or two.
So the next best thing is to find ways to get away from it all, not just on the weekends but everyday. You don't need to get away - you can do this anywhere.
Dr Rangan Chatterjee suggests that a great way of doing this is by having a daily practice of solitude - a time when you can just be without having to think or take in any information or deal with any demands. This gives you time to reflect and get to know yourself, to check in and see how you are and what you need.
Another way to discharge is to get moving. Running is a super way of letting out some tension (as long as you aren't running marathons and you can talk as you run). Swimming is also excellent, as is yoga or walking. Movement lifts our mood, helps us switch off and gets us into a flow state, which helps us feel calm and reduces anxiety.
Getting into nature is incredibly beneficial in a huge variety of ways as I'm sure you're aware, so much so that the NHS is now prescribing blue and green therapy.
Photo by Boxedwater (I think)
Journalling is also excellent. It can be excellent for getting thoughts out of your head and elsewhere gives you mental space, and it can help you to process difficult situations and find solutions, as well as help you to get to know yourself better.
Breathwork is the best way of getting out of the sympathetic stressed state and into a calm, relaxed state. You want to breath slowly, using the full capacity of your lungs in all directions. It helps deliver more oxygen into your body and massages your organs too.
Lastly, another option you could try is engaging in an act of self love, like using a delicious natural oil to moisturise your body, giving yourself a facial or having a long bath - maybe even an orgasm.
With all these options, put away your phone - you don't need that distraction or interruption, and being consistent, even if it's just 10 minutes a day will reap more benefits than an hour a week.