Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

How to manage intense periods of stress

For all sorts of reasons life can be stressful and challenging, not least if you have a loved one seriously unwell in hospital, you're starting a new job, your child is being bullied, or is unwell, your teenager is going to university, you have a work/relationship/family pressure, or maybe a dying parent - and you still have to balance all the things and keep all the balls in the air.

Here's how to support yourself to stay strong, energised and focused so you can get through it without falling apart or getting into habits that make you feel rubbish.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

How to beat the winter bugs

Here I'm sharing my strategies for building immunity during the winter. I don't say 'boost' immunity, because that would mean you have an extra strong response to a cold. Which you don't want. We want the immune system balanced and strong so it can respond to challenges swiftly and appropriately.

They aren't quick fixes unfortunately, but they work.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

What you donโ€™t want to know about alcohol and perimenopause

Drinking alcohol has been a big part of our culture hasn't it? It's unusual for us to gather together without some form of alcohol being offered around to celebrate or commiserate.

It provides us with a point at which we can be rewarded for reaching the end of the day or week.

However, as women generally, and especially during perimenopause, alcohol is not our friend.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

PCOS - could it be affecting your fertility?

PCOS (๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜บ๐˜ค๐˜บ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ค ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ด๐˜บ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ) is an endocrine disorder that affects roughly 10% of women in the UK, which is quite a lot when you think about it.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

Get a Daily Holiday

I don't need to tell you how overwhelming the journey to parenthood can be for many people who are struggling. And this isn't a moment when I'm going to tell you to 'just' relax, which is frankly, offensive.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

Spotlight on Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition very much characterised by pain. It affects as many reproductive age women as 1 in 10, and can take as long as 12 years to diagnose. Symptoms of endo have been documented since the 1600's, and, shockingly, in the US it's the 3rd most common reason for a hysterectomy. Find out how it can affect your fertility, and 3 important steps to reduce its impactโ€ฆ

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

Menstrual cycle phase - Winter

The Winter of your period; a time of hibernation and letting go. Discover out how to harness this time most effectively and why menstruation should be an opportunity for to indulge, rest and look after yourself.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

Menstrual cycle phase - Autumn

The Autumn phase of your period is characterised by a shift away from feeling creativity and outgoing to being focused, sombre and introspective. Unfortunately, this is the time when women can suffer the most - find out what you can do to minimise this.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

Menstrual cycle phase - Summer

The Summer phase of your period - a time when everything is bursting with life. Things should feel easier and more enjoyable, and you can take more on, but you can also do too much. Find out how to harness this phase and enjoy the highs as fully as possible.

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Bean Bindloss Bean Bindloss

Menstrual cycle phase - Spring

Emerge out of your period with energy and strength. Spring is a time when you start to feel more energised, motivated and interested in the outer world again. You may feel enthusiastic and positive about opportunities, and gradually feel back in your groove. But often this goes wrong - discover how to make sure you can thrive during your Spring

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