Mystery School Recipes

Fine tuned over years to support women thrive during perimenopause and menopause

  • Easy & nutritious

    These easy and nutritious recipes are delicious and work, because they have been tried and tested by Bean, her family, and her clients, over a number of years. They fit in easily with a busy, full life and schedule, when you want to eat healthily without losing out on flavour or pleasure, and don’t have much time.

  • Hormonal support and energy

    These recipes which accompany the Menopause Mystery School are designed to support your changing hormone needs, help you feel less tired, stressed and moody in the run up to your period, and keep cravings at bay so you feel energised and not needing to snack.

  • Information you can trust

    When there are so many opinions out there, it’s so easy to get confused about what to eat and how to cook. The info with the recipes is grouded, balanced, evidence based with loads of practical tips and guidance. The focus is on sustainable and ethical cooking and produce, from a range of cuisines.

The power of good food during perimenopause is real

However, it’s not always easy to know whose guidance to trust and what eating healthily really means.

The recipes here are carefully selected by Bean, BANT registered Nutritional Therapist, to help you feel better right away, support your overall wellbeing, stabilise your hormones during the turbulence of perimenopause, increase energy, support digestion and gut health, and generally enable you to thrive. They’re varied and all are delicious and easy to prepare so you won’t find yourself spending hours in the kitchen following complicated instructions with difficult to find and bizarre ingredients.

This booklet is down to earth and grounded, like Bean and her Menopause Mystical School, where you will get holistic, practical guidance and support for navigating the changes of perimenopause with confidence and empowerment.

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Unveiling Wisdom, Empowering Change

The Menopause Mystery School empowers women to navigate perimenopause with confidence and clarity. Learn essential self-care practices, nutrition, and habits to thrive through this life stage. Uncover the hidden wisdom of menopause, embrace positive transformation, and connect with your intuition. Join a supportive community focused on holistic, mind-body-soul wellness during menopause.

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